Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A year are my memoirs!

Its been finally a year since I landed in UK and here are a few of my thoughts and experiences:

The Place:
The weather here is bad. You have to accept it. They say it rains 185 days in a year here. That's pretty much true. And its cold, overcast, foggy when it doesn't rain. The very few sunny days we get will mostly be on weekdays. That's the yearly weather forecast for you.You will pretty much get all the material comforts one can think(nothing extra than what you get in Bangalore). Its pretty quiet,calm most of the times. Since its so quiet and bland all the time and a 'great' weather to top it, sometimes u do get into depression and feel homesick.

The People:
They are friendly. Trust me. With %age of immigrants in this country, I wont be surprised if they start some kind of a 'Immigrants Go Back' revolution. Majority have accepted it as a part of their life. But there are a few of them who are unhappy and show their displeasure openly. On the whole people are very conservative, shy, and are highly well mannered. A few cases of racism, occur now and then. But, believe me, if same was the situation(no. of immigrants) with Indians, we would have probably done some kind of 'cleansing'. But still, I will probably never fit in this society. I don't want to either!

The Work:
I hate it(everyone does)!!

The Money:
No, its not great! I mean, at least in my case. I have been struggling to get a contract which pays me a hefty daily rate for the past 1 year, totally unsuccessful. Probably, the field am in, doesn't demand a 'highly' qualified pro like me :) Will keep trying to get a contract for at least 6 months, before I return to my Home.

The Future:
It doesn't look bright at all. Recession has derailed my plans, no doubt. Intentions were to go back in DEC 2009, but might have to revise the target, if the situation stays like this.

On the whole, though the journey till now has been no way near my plans, hopefully things should improve in the future.

Thanks for reading,Ta!!Cheers!!

1 comment:

vevck said...

Nice to read u'r thots..
Place? u live in an island....u can't expect a weather like Bangalore.

People, are friendly....i get u on tat...they are indeed friendly mate. Racism in Scotland isn't tat bad when compared to ENG ;)

U must be doing what you love mate....time to make decision....recession will get all of us sometime this year.....tats how bad it looks :(

Wishing you a successful year ahead, hope this year turns out to be a better one.
