Sunday, April 06, 2008

Which product could this model be promoting???

Was checking out some stuff on the net and came across a website where this model "Jackie", was endorsing a product I was interested in. And can you guess which product she was endorsing? But I liked Jackie a lot though :-)


Praveen Mayakar said...

To me it looks like shez is promoting a mini sized bluetooth ear piece :P

Motion Pictures presents..... said...

of course not!!! shes promoting a line of lingerie! (or lets say bikini)...look at the expression in her face...its more than clear! shes giving a sexy pose by standing in a arced way....and shes putting her thumb finger of both arms inside the undi string shes inviting someone or offering to remove tht(which is not visible though)......this is a bikini wear in which the top piece is more like a tee shirt..of course the top piece is shorter....this bikini wear is for the winter (when it is cold cover her top part...but still not look out of place on the beach) the thing in her ear is a hearing aid...coz shes partially deaf!! this is a hi-fi hearing aid....and the lingerie company is using this model to show their CSR efforts!! tht they are an equal opp. employer...etc....i guess thts it!! ;)